Cleaning your make-up brushes with baby shampoo!

Hey guys,

This post is all about how to clean your make up brushes with baby shampoo and I know that baby shampoo seems like a weird product to use to clean your make up brushes but trust me it works. Baby shampoo is amazing at removing all of the make up from the brushes whilst making sure that the brushes stay soft for when applying your make up to your skin. Aside from the benefits that baby shampoo has on cleaning the brushes it will also benefit your purse and this is because purchasing baby shampoo is so much cheaper then any make up remover I've ever came across.

Things you will need:

All of the make up brushes that you want to clean!
Baby Shampoo!
A towel!

Step One: 

The first step is to go to your bathroom with all of your make up brushes, you will need to make sure that you bring the towel with you. For every make up brush you will need to perform the same thing, squeeze a tiny amount of the baby shampoo into your hand and then get a make up brush and in circular motions rub the make up brush into the baby shampoo on your hand; When you are doing this you should immediately begin to see all of the make up from the brush showing up on your hand. After a couple of minutes of this you should turn on the hot water and then rinse the make up brush until no make up left on the brush and no make up in the water that is rinsing the brush. You should perform this step on every make up brush until each is clean.

Step Two:

The last step is to place a towel where ever you choice (preferable near either a wall or object) and then place the make up brushes facing down and this is important as facing the brushes down will allow the water to leave the brushes and land in the towel. If you were to position the brushed facing up the water would run through the brushes and cause damage over time, always important to remember to place every brush facing down.

Step Three:

Leave your brushes to dry, i recommend leaving them to dry overnight as this will give the brushes enough time to dry properly. 

I hope that this has been helpful and that it has provided you guys will tips on how to clean your make up brushes for your skins benefit, remember guys washing your make up brushes is something that needs to be done on a regular basis.



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