My hair care routine/ How to get grow your hair whilst keeping it healthy ♡

Hey Guys :)

This blog post is going to be all about hair! Now me and my hair have a love hate relationship and the reason for this is that I have very big and very frizzy hair. Growing up I've always wanted smooth and non frizzy hair and as I've grown older I've realised that in order for me to love my hair I need to take care of my hair. Once I became a teenager I became obsessed with everything from curling, straining and blow drying my hair whilst not using any heat protection products and washing my hair to regularly. I'm now 18 years old and I have began to take care of my hair because after years of not taking care of my hair I was left with dry and damaged hair that was impossible to style due to the damage. 

I did my research and I found out to my surprise that there was such a thing as over washing my hair, now I used to wash my hair almost everyday (I know it's terrible) but after learning how much damage this was doing to my hair I had to make a change. I know only wash my hair every 3-4 days and ladies I can not tell you how much this has changed my hair, by waiting 3-4 days to wash my hair I allowed it to form natural vitamins that were good for my hair and that helped to repair the damage that I had caused. Now I'm not saying it was easy because at first I felt gross and my hair felt greasy by the second day but I promise you after a couple of weeks you will get used to it and it wont bother you. For you ladies out there that really struggle with leaving your hair for 3-4 days without washing it I would 100% recommend that you go out and purchase some dry shampoo, I promise you that dry shampoo will make the process of getting used to washing your hair less a lot easier and less painful. 

The next step that I took in trying to get my hair healthy was to cut down on the amount of times a week I use heat products, before this I would straighten my hair sometimes twice a day and I would blow dry my hair every single time I washed my hair. Now I never blow dry my hair and only air dry my hair and this has had an huge impact on my hair, before when I would bow dry my hair it would feel dry and damaged but when I let my hair air dry it feels smooth and healthy. When it comes to straighteners and curlers I will only use them a couple days of the week and the rest of the days I will have my hair in either a bun or a ponytail to give my hair and break. Cutting back on the amount of heat that you use on your hair will have a huge impact on how healthy your hair is. On the subject of heat I would like to inform you ladies that heat protection is the best product that you will ever purchase in regards to trying to get your hair to a healthy stage. Heat protection is needed whenever you are going to be using any form of heat on your hair as the heat is so damaging. Using heat protection is the best thing ever if your a person who uses heat on your hair daily, heat protection will protect your hair from getting damaged and from becoming dry. 

So for any of you that want to grow your hair whilst keeping it healthy I would suggest that you try your best to cut down on the amount of heat that you are using on your hair (I know it's hard) and to cut down on how often you are washing your hair. I really hope that these tips are helpful to you guys and that these tips help you with your hair growth. As always I appreciate each and everyone of you who have taken the time out of your day to read this post and I hope you guys enjoyed it :)  



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